dimanche 2 novembre 2008

New Editions

There have been several new additions to the courtyard. As you can see from the picture on the left, Eloise had two new kittens. Thank goodness they are already spoken for. I can't be living alone with 40 cats. My self-esteem couldn't take the blow.

Three new professors have moved into the courtyard as well. Like I've said before I live in what translates as "a singles home." Meaning that in the courtayd are several small houses for people who live alone. A new english teacher moved into my old house. We got a new secretary who has a baby - that's him on the left. Also, there is a new french teacher in the courtyard who is pregnant and due in december. So, its kinda like a sorority house. There are now 4 women, two men, one baby, and one 14 yr old student living in the courtyard. The women, being Burkinabe, gossip and chat all day long and are all up in my business and want to know what im doing and whats that and aren't i hungry and oh i need to get fatter and why dont i come outside and chat too. I am never wanting for company. Its really kinda fun. They crack me up and are all naming future babies after me.

2 commentaires:

H3 a dit…

Éloïse - quelle putain! Je peux pas croire qu'elle a déjà accouché encore! C'est quoi ça?? Et tu as raison: le bébé de dix mois est TROP mignon. C'est bon que tu as tant de choses qui t'amusent au village; les mois qui te restent vont passer vite. Tougouri me manque...tu me manques...surtout les nuits où on se retrouvait pour prendre des bières me manquent! Wend na kon nindaare. XOXO

Molly a dit…

Pas de blague! Elle est, comme maman, tres facile.
